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An XML Schema file location is specified by providing a pair of values: a namespace and a physical location. This method allows you to specify that value pair. The XML Schema file is used by an X-document or SAX-reader object to validate XML content.
Return type:
Applies to:
ADD-SCHEMA-LOCATION ( targetNamespace, location )
A CHARACTER expression evaluating to the target namespace of the schema, or an empty string ("") or the Unknown value (?) if the location doesn’t contain a namespace.
A CHARACTER expression evaluating to the location of the XML Schema file. This value can contain Unicode characters. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode.
Provides the location of an XML Schema file for the parser by specifying the namespace and physical location of the XML Schema file.
You can call this method more than once to create a list of schema locations.
Note that namespace and XML Schema file locations specified programatically with this method take precedence over namespaces or schemas declared in XML documents or imported elements.
This method and the SCHEMA-LOCATION attribute are both used for setting the XML Schema file location. This method is added for convenience.

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