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Creates a browse column from the specified field and returns its handle. This method can be used only after the browse’s query attribute has been set.
Return type:
Applies to:
ADD-LIKE-COLUMN ( field-name-exp | buffer-field-handle 
  [ , pos [ , widget-type ] ] )
The name of a field in one of the buffers associated with the browse’s query. If the query is a join, the name must be qualified with the database name.
The handle of a buffer-field from a buffer associated with the browse’s query.
The optional integer value position of the browse column. If pos = 2, the column is the second column. If the position is not specified or the position is invalid, the new column is added at the end of the columns.
An optional character expression specifying the widget type of the column. Valid values are “COMBO-BOX”, “DROP-DOWN”, “DROP-DOWN-LIST”, “FILL-IN”, and “TOGGLE-BOX”. The default value is “FILL-IN”.
The widget-type parameter is ignored in character mode.
A widget type of “COMBO-BOX” or “DROP-DOWN-LIST” is valid only when the buffer-field’s data type is CHARACTER, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT64 or LOGICAL. A widget type of “DROP-DOWN” is valid only when the buffer-field’s data type is CHARACTER. A widget type of “TOGGLE-BOX” is valid only when the buffer-field’s data type is LOGICAL. If the widget type is not valid for the buffer-field’s data type, the AVM generates a run-time error.
If not specified, the AVM creates the browse column based on the widget type specified in the buffer-field’s VIEW-AS attribute. (The VIEW-AS attribute has no effect in character mode.)
The ADD-LIKE-COLUMN( ) method can be used on a static browse as well as a dynamic browse. When used on a static browse, the browse will become a NO-ASSIGN browse (you must make the database updates).
A dynamic browse column’s validation expression is restricted. It may not contain a CAN-FIND function. To reference the field, the FRAME-VALUE function must be used.
The following is an example of adding the Customer number field to the browse:
ColHdl = BrwsHndl:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("Customer.CustNum").

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