
OffEnd event (.NET)

(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)

The .NET event published when record batching is enabled (that is, the BindingSource object’s Batching property is TRUE) and some user action in the bound .NET control reaches the last row of the current result set. Use this event to retrieve the next batch of records.

You can use this event when the BindingSource object is bound to a query. If bound to a ProDataSet object, this event applies only to the top-level table displayed in the .NET control.

Return type: VOID

Access: PUBLIC

Applies to: Progress.Data.BindingSource class

Delegate: Progress.Data.OffEndEventHandler

The delegate for this event defines the following event handler signature:

     INPUT sender AS CLASS System.Object, 
     INPUT args AS CLASS Progress.Data.OffEndEventArgs 


Each time you retrieve a batch of records, you must:

Once you have retrieved all of the records, set the Batching property to FALSE.

See also: Batching property, Progress.Data.OffEndEventArgs class, RowsAdded property

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation