
SetFields( ) method

(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)

Specifies which columns are bound to a ProBindingSource instance, exposing them for bound .NET controls. You use these method overloads before you bind a data source object to a previously unbound ProBindingSource instance.

Note: Do not use this method on a ProBindingSource that is already bound to a data source object. The ProBindingSource throws a .NET exception if this method is used after binding to a data source object.

Return type: VOID

Access: PUBLIC

Applies to: Progress.Data.BindingSource class

BindingSource:SetFields( INPUT include-fields     AS CHARACTER, 
                         INPUT except-fields      AS CHARACTER, 
                        |INPUT parent-buffer-hdl  AS HANDLE
                        |INPUT parent-buffer-name AS CHARACTER} ) 


The following code fragment shows the correct sequence for using this method:

  1. Create an unbound ProBindingSource instance.
  2. Use SetFields( ) to specify the appropriate columns to expose.
  3. Set the ProBindingSource’s Handle property to bind the data source object.
  4. DEFINE VARIABLE pbs AS Progress.Data.BindingSource NO-UNDO. 
    /* 1 */ 
    pbs = NEW Progress.Data.BindingSource(). 
    /* 2 */ 
    /* 3 */ 
    pbs:Handle = myQryHdl. 

See also: Handle property

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation