
FieldIndex property

(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)

Use this property in response to a SortRequest event to indicate the 1-based index position of the field on which to sort the records in the ABL data source object.

Data type: INTEGER

Access: PUBLIC Readable

Applies to: Progress.Data.SortRequestEventArgs class

This index is based on the order of the fields as specified in the Progress.Data.BindingSource class constructor. If you specify an asterisk (“*”) in the constructor, the index is based on the order of the fields in the database record. If the field on which you are sorting is an array field, the ArrayIndex property is set to the 1-based index position of the array element on which to sort.

See also: ArrayIndex property, FieldName property, SortRequest event

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation