
AutoSync property

(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)

Indicates whether the BindingSource object automatically synchronizes (refreshes) all data displayed in any bound .NET control after one of the following ABL operations on the bound ABL data source object occurs:

You can use this property when the BindingSource object is bound to a query or a buffer. If bound to a ProDataSet object, this property applies only to the top-level table displayed in the .NET control.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: PUBLIC Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Progress.Data.BindingSource class

When TRUE, the BindingSource object automatically synchronizes the data displayed in any bound .NET control. When FALSE, the application must handle this synchronization. The default value is TRUE.

Invoking the CREATE-RESULT-LIST-ENTRY( ) method or the DELETE-RESULT-LIST-ENTRY( ) method to update the result list does not cause the BindingSource object to automatically refresh the data displayed in the bound .NET controls. In this case, you can either invoke the RefreshAll( ) method or reopen the query (unless otherwise indicated).

For more information about synchronizing data, see the chapter on binding ABL data to .NET controls in OpenEdge Development: GUI for .NET Programming.

See also: Refresh( ) method, RefreshAll( ) method

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation