
WORD-WRAP attribute

(Graphical interfaces only)

Indicates whether word wrapping is enabled for an editor widget.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: EDITOR widget

If WORD-WRAP is TRUE, the editor automatically breaks lines at any word that crosses the word wrap margin of the text area. If WORD-WRAP is FALSE, the editor continues lines beyond the editor border up to the first hard return, and scrolls as required to keep the entered text in view. The user can scroll left and right to view the entire line. The default value for WORD-WRAP is TRUE.

In graphical interfaces, the word wrap margin is set by the WIDTH-CHARS, WIDTH-PIXELS, or INNER-CHARS attribute. In character interfaces, the word wrap margin is determined by either the WIDTH-CHARS or BUFFER-CHARS attribute, whichever is larger.

In Windows, both the regular editor and the large editor support WORD-WRAP.

Note: If the SCROLLBAR-HORIZONTAL attribute is set to TRUE, then WORD-WRAP is automatically set to FALSE. Likewise, if you set the WORD-WRAP attribute to TRUE, then SCROLLBAR-HORIZONTAL is automatically set to FALSE.

You can set this attribute only before the widget is realized.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation