
UNIQUE-MATCH attribute

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)

Specifies that the combo-box widget automatically complete keyboard input based on a unique match to items in the drop-down list.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: BROWSE widget (column), COMBO-BOX widget

When the UNIQUE-MATCH attribute is TRUE, the widget’s edit control compares the input to the items in the drop-down list. After each incremental character keystroke, the edit control searches through the items in the drop-down list for a unique match. When a unique match is found, the full item is displayed in the edit control. The automatically completed portion of the item is highlighted. You can replace the highlighted portion of the item by typing over it, or you can delete the highlighted portion of the item using the DELETE key or the BACKSPACE key. The default value is FALSE.

For browses, this attribute applies only to combo-box browse columns.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation