

(Graphical interfaces only)

Indicates whether a vertical scroll bar appears in a browse, editor or a selection list.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: BROWSE widget, EDITOR widget, SELECTION-LIST widget

If the SCROLLBAR-VERTICAL attribute is TRUE, a vertical scroll bar appears on the right side of the widget. For an editor widget, vertical scrolling is always enabled whether or not a vertical scroll bar is enabled. For a selection list, the scroll bar must be enabled to scroll the list. The default value is FALSE.

For browses, the SCROLLBAR-VERTICAL attribute defaults to TRUE unless the DEFINE BROWSE statement Browse Options phrase includes the NO-SCROLLBAR-VERTICAL option. When the vertical scroll bar appears, it appears on the right side of the browse.

For editors and selection lists, you can set this attribute only before the widget is realized.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation