
QUERY-OFF-END attribute

Indicates whether a query is positioned off either end of its result list (that is, either before the first record or after the last record).

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable

Applies to: Query object handle

The QUERY-OFF-END attribute corresponds to the QUERY-OFF-END function.

Note: ABL also provides an OFF-END event for when a query on a ProDataSet temp-table buffer is positioned past the last row. You can use this event to retrieve additional data source rows to add at the bottom of a ProDataSet temp-table (for example, in batches when there are too many data source rows to retrieve at one time). The OFF-END event is similar to the QUERY-OFF-END attribute, which is set to TRUE whenever the associated query object is positioned past the last row. The difference is that you must test the QUERY-OFF-END attribute for this condition at a specific place in your application code, whereas the OFF-END event procedure executes like a trigger whenever the event occurs. For more information about the OFF-END event on a ProDataSet temp-table query, see the "ProDataSet events" section.

See also: QUERY-OFF-END function

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation