

(Character interfaces only)

How an editor widget wraps lines of ABL source code that are longer than the widget’s display width.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: EDITOR widget

Set this attribute to TRUE when reading ABL source code into the widget. This preserves the ABL syntax for the ABL compiler.

When set to TRUE, the editor widget splits long lines by putting a tilde ( ~ ) and hard return at the end of the display line and continuing the text with column 1 of the next display line. The line wrapping occurs only when a READ-FILE( ) or INSERT-FILE( ) method is used to bring text into the widget. When set to FALSE, the editor widget splits long lines by inserting a HARD-RETURN before the last word and moving the last word onto the next display line. FALSE is the default setting.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation