
NO-FOCUS attribute

(Windows only)

Determines whether a button can accept focus. A button for which the NO-FOCUS attribute is TRUE will not take focus when the mouse is clicked on it and it will not accept keyboard input. Also, the AVM will not generate ENTRY or LEAVE events for the button. NO-FOCUS buttons behave similarly to standard Windows toolbar buttons.

This attribute must be set before the button is realized. The default value is FALSE.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: BUTTON widget

A button for which the NO-FOCUS attribute is TRUE will not be added to its parent frame’s tab order. If the NO-FOCUS attribute is switched from TRUE to FALSE before the button is realized, the button will be added to the end of its parent frame’s tab order. Switching the NO-FOCUS option from FALSE to TRUE before realization will remove the button from its parent frame’s tab order.

The mnemonic key (ALT accelerator) for a widget will not work if the widget is removed from the tab order. Also, because the widget is not in the tab order, pressing TAB will not change focus from the widget.

Keep in mind that if a frame that contains a NO-FOCUS button does not itself have focus, the frame will not receive focus when the button is pushed. In this situation, frame entry or leave events are not generated. Focus stays on the current widget when a NO-FOCUS button is pushed, even across multiple frames in a window.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation