

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)

Loads the icon you want from a specified file for display in the title bar of a window and in the task bar only. This method can accommodate icons formatted as small size (16x16) icons, regular size (32x32) icons, or both.

The icon file might contain multiple icons. In those instances when multiple icons are in a file, the LOAD-SMALL-ICON( ) method, by default, uses the 16x16 icon, if one exists, from the file that you specified. Otherwise, it uses the first icon in the file. If it uses a 32x32 icon, it reduces its size to a 16x16 format in both the title bar and the task bar.

If the load is successful, this method returns TRUE.

Note: You cannot use this method to display a specific icon when selecting a program using ALT+TAB.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: WINDOW widget

LOAD-SMALL-ICON ( smallicon-filename [ n ] ) 


For example, the following invocation of LOAD-ICON( ) finds the second icon in the icon file file.ico and loads it:

LOAD-ICON("file.ico", 2). 

The following invocation removes the previously loaded icon:


The LOAD-SMALL-ICON( ) method is only available in Windows 95 and NT Version 4.0. If you try to use it with any other platform, this method returns FALSE.

You typically use this method to load a small icon for an ABL window to display in its title bar or on the taskbar. ABL has no means of specifying a default icon for this purpose, and Windows provides a generic icon if you do not specify one.

.NET forms allow you to specify a default icon that works for this purpose using the form Icon property, which in ABL is provided by the Progress.Windows.Form class. You can then change this property as required for different uses.

You can maintain uniform icons across .NET forms and ABL windows in an application by using this method to load the same small icon you are using to set the Icon property for .NET forms.

See also: LOAD-ICON( ) method

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation