
HANDLER attribute

A handle to the procedure containing the SAX callbacks.

Data type: HANDLE

Access: Readable/Writable

Applies to: SAX-reader object handle

The default is a handle to the procedure that contains the SAX-PARSE( ) method, or the SAX-PARSE-FIRST( ) and SAX-PARSE-NEXT( ) methods.

When SAX-PARSE( ), SAX-PARSE-FIRST( ), or SAX-PARSE-NEXT( ) executes, the SAX-reader object looks for callbacks only in the procedure whose handle is stored in HANDLER. HANDLER must be a valid procedure handle and cannot be a proxy.

Note: It is permissible for both the driver procedure (the procedure that contains the SAX-PARSE( ) method, or the SAX-PARSE-FIRST( ) and SAX-PARSE-NEXT( ) methods) and handler procedure of a SAX application to reside on a remote AppServer. If this occurs, callbacks are invoked local to the AppServer.

Callbacks can reside within a special handler procedure file that is run persistently or within the driver procedure.

Within a procedure file, to get a handle to the procedure file, use the THIS-PROCEDURE handle. The following fragment assigns HANDLER a handle to the current procedure:


OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation