
GET-CHANGES( ) method

Loads an empty ProDataSet object with changed rows from either a single temp-table or all temp-tables in another ProDataSet object.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: Buffer object handle, ProDataSet object handle

change-handle:GET-CHANGES(original-handle [, get-parent-mode ] ) 


The ProDataSet objects associated with the change-handle and original-handle must have the same number of temp-table buffers, and the definition of the corresponding temp-tables must match (that is, in the number of columns, data types, and so on).

Once the changed rows are loaded, the AVM sets the ORIGIN-HANDLE attribute on the temp-tables in the receiving ProDataSet object to the corresponding temp-tables in the original source ProDataSet object. The AVM also sets the ORIGIN-ROWID attribute on each of the before-image table rows created in the receiving ProDataSet object to the ROWID of the corresponding before-image table row in the original source temp-table. The MERGE-CHANGES( ) method and MERGE-ROW-CHANGES( ) method uses these values to match up temp-tables and temp-table rows during a merge operation.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation