
FORWARD-ONLY attribute

Lets you avoid building result-lists for static and dynamic queries.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Query object handle

Set to TRUE to avoid building result-lists for queries. Set to FALSE to build result-lists for queries. The default is FALSE.

When TRUE, you cannot use the GET PREV, GET LAST, REPOSITION, or BROWSE methods or statements with these queries. If you do, the AVM generates an error. You can use the GET-FIRST( ) method and GET FIRST statement only on newly opened queries, and you can use the GET NEXT statement and GET-NEXT( ) method freely.

If you set FORWARD-ONLY to TRUE, and you open a query with preselect or sort, the AVM still builds a result-list in order to resolve the query. You cannot set FORWARD-ONLY while a query is open or being browsed.

Setting FORWARD-ONLY to TRUE can improve the performance of operations on queries.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation