

Identifies the SOAP-fault object that contains SOAP fault message detail.

Data type: HANDLE

Access: Readable

Applies to: ERROR-STATUS system handle

If a Web service operation generates a SOAP fault message, the AVM generates the following error:

Web service %s<operation> failed.  SOAP faultstring is %s (nnnn) 

The complete SOAP fault error message is returned to the AVM as part of the ERROR-STATUS system handle.

If the ABL application invokes the Web service operation with the NO-ERROR option on the RUN statement, any errors that occur as a result of the operation are suppressed. In this case, the application can access the SOAP fault message detail using the SOAP-fault and SOAP–FAULT-DETAIL object handles. Otherwise, the AVM displays the error message to the end user.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation