
DOMAIN-NAME attribute

The name of the authentication domain that authenticated the user represented by the Client-principal object. You must set this attribute before you can seal the associated Client-principal object using the SEAL( ) method.

The authentication domain name you specify must match an authentication domain name registered in the trusted authentication domain registry for the Client-principal object. The AVM uses this domain name to find the associated authentication domain registry entry to validate the object before you can use it.

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Client-principal object handle

If you specify the Unknown value (?) or the empty string (""), the AVM generates a run-time error.

Once the Client-principal object is sealed, this attribute is read-only.

See also: DOMAIN-DESCRIPTION attribute, DOMAIN-TYPE attribute

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation