
DEBUG-ALERT attribute

Indicates whether the AVM provides access to ABL stack trace and .NET stack trace information, where applicable, when an error occurs during a session (TRUE or FALSE). Its major use is for error alert boxes, so you can determine where an error has occured in your code.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: SESSION system handle

You can also set DEBUG-ALERT to TRUE using the Debug Alert (-debugalert) startup parameter. For more information about the -debugalert startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.

When an unhandled ABL error or .NET Exception occurs—there is no CATCH or NO-ERROR logic present—in an interactive session for any ABL client the AVM displays an Error message box. When Debug Alert is TRUE, the message box also includes a Help button. Clicking on the Help button produces a Stack Trace dialog box containing ABL stack trace and .NET stack trace information. The ABL stack trace and the .NET stack trace are written to the client log when the Client Logging (-clientlog) startup parameter is specified. The top of the stack (most recent call) is displayed at the top of the trace listing.

For more information about debugging from an alert dialog box, see OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation