
CREATE-LIKE( ) method

Creates a table like another existing table, or a dynamic ProDataSet object like another static or dynamic ProDataSet object.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: ProDataSet object handle, Temp-table object handle

CREATE-LIKE( { src-buffer-handle-exp | src-table-name-exp }
   [ , src-index-name-exp ] ) 

CREATE-LIKE( { src-dataset-handle | src-dataset-name }
   [ , name-prefix ] ) 


For a table handle, this method copies the field definitions from the specified source table and establishes the default or specified source indexes. You cannot call this method after another definitional method is called unless you call CLEAR( ) first.

For a ProDataSet object handle, this method creates a dynamic ProDataSet object like another static or dynamic ProDataSet object. The AVM creates the new ProDataSet object with the same name, temp-table definitions, and relation definitions. The AVM also creates the same before-image and after-image tables, if any exist for the source object. No data from the source temp-tables is copied. The AVM also lets you rename the newly created ProDataSet member buffers by prepending a prefix to the source buffer names.

See also: CREATE-LIKE-SEQUENTIAL( ) method

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation