

Copies a source temp-table object to a target temp-table object. Either of the temp-tables (source or target) may be a member of a ProDataSet object. The AVM empties the target temp-table of all records before copying the source temp-table, by default.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: Temp-table object handle

targ-tt-handle:COPY-TEMP-TABLE( src-tt-handle [, append-mode 
[, replace-mode [, loose-copy-mode [, name prefix ] ] ] ] ) 


If the source temp-table object has a before-image table that contains changed row data, the AVM generates a run-time error.

When the AVM copies a temp-table object in any mode, except loose-copy mode, and the target temp-table object is in a PREPARED state (that is, it has a metaschema), the source temp-table object metaschema must be the same. Each column in the source temp-table must match the target temp-table in position, data type, and extent. If the source temp-table object metaschema is not the same, the AVM generates a run-time error. If the target temp-table object is not in a PREPARED state (that is, it has no metaschema), the AVM copies the source temp-table object including its metaschema.

If the target temp-table object is a member of a ProDataSet object, the AVM does not track changes to the data in that temp-table (it ignores the TRACKING-CHANGES attribute setting during the copy operation).

Note: If the source or target (but not both) temp-table has any before-table records, you can use COPY-TEMP-TABLE on that temp-table. However, if append mode or replace mode is specified and the target temp-table has any before-table records, the AVM generates a run-time error.

See also: FILL-MODE attribute, COPY-DATASET( ) method

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation