
CONNECTED( ) method

Indicates whether an AppServer or Web service is currently connected and associated with the server handle, or if a socket handle is currently connected to a port.

Note: For a Web service, this method indicates if a server handle is currently connected to a Web service (that is, if the client has a logical connection to the Web service). It does not indicate that a physical connection exists between the ABL client and the Web service.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: Server object handle, Socket object handle


For a state-reset, state-aware, or stateless AppServer, this method returns TRUE if the AppServer is currently connected and associated with the server handle. For a state-free AppServer, this method returns TRUE if the CONNECT( ) method has been successfully executed for an application service associated with this handle and at least one AppServer resource is available for the client to access this application service.

For a Web service, this method returns TRUE if the server handle refers to a connected Web service, and returns FALSE otherwise.

This method returns TRUE between the successful invocation of the CONNECT( ) method and a call to the DISCONNECT( ) method. If a server handle was connected to an AppServer or Web service, but the connection terminated abnormally (that is, other than by the DISCONNECT( ) method), the CONNECTED( ) method returns FALSE.

Note: This method returning TRUE does not indicate the state of the HTTP connection to the Web service. If there is a failure in the connection between the client and the Web service, subsequent requests might fail.

For a socket object, this method returns TRUE if the socket handle refers to a connected socket, and returns FALSE otherwise.

For more information on AppServers, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation