

Turns on QryInfo logging for an individual query.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Query object handle

ABL does not provide QryInfo logging for individual queries at logging level 2 (Basic), by default. You must use the BASIC-LOGGING attribute to turn on logging for an individual query when the logging level of the QryInfo log entry type is set to level 2 (Basic). If the logging level of the QryInfo log entry type is level 3 (Verbose) or higher, then ABL ignores any BASIC-LOGGING attribute setting and logs query information for all queries.

To set the logging level of the QryInfo log entry type, use the LOG-ENTRY-TYPES attribute or the Log Entry Types (-logentrytypes) startup parameter with the logging level option.

To turn on logging for an individual query when the logging level is set to 2 (Basic), you must set this attribute to TRUE before a query starts. For a dynamically opened query, this is before the QUERY-PREPARE( ) method. For a statically opened query, this is before the OPEN QUERY statement. If you set this attribute to TRUE after a query starts, ABL does not provide logging for that query.

To turn off logging for an individual query when the logging level is set to 2 (Basic), you must set this attribute to FALSE. If you set this attribute to FALSE before a query completes, ABL does not write query statistics to the log.

Whenever you turn on or turn off logging for an individual query using this attribute, ABL writes a log entry to the log file indicating the query ID, the query object handle, and the name of the query.

For more information about the Log Entry Types (-logentrytypes) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.

For more information about query logging, see OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation