
SHOW-STATS statement

Writes procedure call statistics to the proc.mon output file if you specify the Statistics with Cross-Reference (-yx) parameter. It also writes procedure access and usage statistics to the client.mon output file if you specify the Statistics (-y) parameter, Statistics with CTRL+C (-yc) parameter, Segment Statistics (-yd) parameter, or Statistics with Cross-Reference (-yx) parameter. If you specify Segment Statistics (-yd), it also displays statistics for each code segment.

Ordinarily, when you specify these startup parameters, the AVM writes the statistics to the output files at the end of your ABL session. This might not be what you want. For example, if you start ABL using the -y or -yc parameters, you might want to view the execution buffer statistics as they occur during your ABL session. With SHOW-STATS, you can force the AVM to write the statistics at a specific time, instead of at session end. For more information on these startup parameters, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.

The SHOW-STATS statement also writes the value of the STARTUP-PARAMETERS attribute to the client.mon output file.




This procedure runs the Data Dictionary and writes the procedure call, procedure access, and usage statistics to the proc.mon and client.mon output files:

RUN dict.p. 


OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation