AMBIGUOUS function
Returns a TRUE value if the last FIND statement for a particular record found more than one record that met the specified index criteria.
The name of a record or record buffer used in a previous FIND statement.To access a record in a table defined for multiple databases, you might have to qualify the record’s table name with the database name. See the Record phrase reference entry for more information.ExampleThe following example retrieves a customer record based on a name (cname) supplied by the user. If the procedure finds a record, it displays fields from that record. If it does not find a record because more than one record matched the selection criteria (name = cname), it displays the message: “There is more than one customer with that name.” If it does not find a record because no records matched the selection criteria, it displays “Cannot find customer with that name”.
Sometimes the AMBIGUOUS function returns a TRUE value when there is no ambiguity. For example, if there is exactly one customer record, the following statement finds that record. Otherwise, the following statement always returns a message of “not found” rather than “ambiguous”:
Additionally, the following statement succeeds if there is only one Smith listed in the database:
NoteAMBIGUOUS is useful only when there is an index. If you use the AMBIGUOUS function to test a work file record, the function returns a value of FALSE because work files do not have indexes.
See alsoAVAILABLE function, FIND statement, LOCKED function, NEW function (record buffers)
OpenEdge Release 10.2B